By now you already have a Campaign structure (type, title, description, cover, start and end dates) and a Brief. You need to find influencers and organize them into a Group, so you can assign them the Brief.
To create a new Creator Group follow these steps:
- Either click on the “Create groups” text at the top or click the “Create your first group” button in the middle section.
- In this new screen you will need to give your group a name (for example McD-MicroInfluencers).
- Then, select the types of creators you want to select (Nano, Micro, Mid-Tier, Macro, Mega). Each types of influencer has an associated icon, as well as follower ranges.
- Next, select how many influencers you’d like to work with, at a minimum. If you select 10 for example, the platform will show you a minimum of that amount of influencers, based on all your specifications.
- Use the dropdown to the right of that to select your influencers’ country. You can select one or multiple.
- What niche do the creators work in? Each creator will add their own, but we also do our own verification to make sure a beauty influencer is tagged as such. You can select a niche or multiple.
- Finally, you can select if you have an audience in mind or nothing specific at this time.
- Click the “Create group” button to save changes.
- The group has been created.

The group structure has been created, you need to select influencers and add them to your group.
To add creators to a group, follow these steps:
- Click the new “View recommended creators” button.
- You see a list of recommended platform influencers with names, usernames and associated stats. You can click on each influencer name to get to a new screen, containing more data and showing you their content.
- If you’ve made your decision, click the green + circle. Confirm the action in the popup. The green + circle will turn into a smiley face circle.
- You can go back to your group by switching tabs from Recommended Creators to Creator Groups.
- You can also search and filter creators using the options in the top right.
- Simply click the “Back” text to go back to your Campaign overview.

Choosing influencers is not a simple or fast process. You need to understand their aesthetics, type of posted content, analytics, etc. Take the time to understand what you’re looking for and who matches your brand the most.
To use a Creator Group you need to link/send your brief to it.
- Go back to your Campaign overview and either click on the “Add brief to group” text at the top or the “Link your first brief to group” in the middle section.
- In the new screen you first select your Brief from the dropdown menu.
- Next, select a Creator Group.
- Finally, use the checkbox near the Name column to select all the creators in that group. You can also select individual creators if needed.
- When you’re done, click on the “Update link” button.

You’re almost done creating your influencer campaign. The last step is to schedule the campaign to start when you’ve set it. At the moment, the campaign is in Draft mode. Once you schedule it to run, it will be Scheduled. When the campaign will start, it will automatically change its status to Active.
You can now stop and start applications for a Creator Campaign (from the Brief section), as you wish. This helps you in Public campaigns, when you know how many creators you want to enroll.
For example, you only have 10 products to send to influencers, but you’ve received 20 applications. You will need to go through their profiles to see who you want to work with. You can temporarily stop the applications, while you do this verification. If you decide only 5 are the right match, you toggle the applications again and you get more influencers to check.

To Toggle Applications for a Brief in a Campaign, follow these steps:
- Let creators apply to a public campaign.
- Once you have your desired number of creators (let’s say 10), you can click the Toggle Applications button.
- If, for whatever reason, a creator can no longer take part in the campaign, you can click the Toggle Applications button again.
You can stop or start the applications as you wish. Creators will see a message letting them know that “Applications are disabled”. They will be able to apply, once they are started again.
Content will be gathered starting with the first brief/campaign date.
Once you’ve linked your Brief to your Creator Group and started the Campaign, influencers will get an “Accepted” label.
You know you will be able to work with them. But for a Product Sampling Campaign, you also need the addresses to send them the packages. Because you have the responsibility to send the products to influencers. Once they receive them, they can start creating the content you’ve talked about in your Campaign Brief.

The functionality is very simple to use:
- Once an influencer participates in your campaign brief and has “Accepted” status, you can export his address from the Brief section, to send him the product package.
You can do this for both Private and Public campaigns.
Now all the info for your Product Sampling Campaigns is in one place: from influencer stats to applications, addresses, content and reports!
The Export Addresses functionality applies to Creator Campaigns, where the Reward is not just in the form of money. Otherwise, that functionality will not be active for that Campaign Brief.
See all of the Creator Campaigns support articles in their dedicated section.